Russian Customs Seize Radioactive Metal Bound For Iran
Russian Customs Seize Radioactive Metal Bound For Iran

Russian Customs Seize Radioactive Metal Bound For Iran

Fox News reports that Russian Federal Customs agents have seized 18 pieces of radioactive metal bound for Iran. Friday, at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport, authorities were alerted when radiation alarms were set off showing levels at 20 times higher than normal. News agency Interfax says the metal pieces contained a radioactive isotope known as Sodium-22. The kind that can only be produced at a nuclear reactor. The customs agency said they have launched an investigation into the incident.

This incident comes after the Senate voted yesterday approving tough sanctions on Iran because of it’s nuclear program. Plus, the U.S. and Iran’s already heightened tensions were escalated by the recent crash of an Air Force drone in Iran. It has prompted Iranian officials to demand an apology from the U.S. for the “hostile act”.