‘If They Rear Their Ugly Heads, We’ll Send Them To Hell!’ – Texas Sheriff’s Message To ISIS
‘If They Rear Their Ugly Heads, We’ll Send Them To Hell!’ – Texas Sheriff’s Message To ISIS

‘If They Rear Their Ugly Heads, We’ll Send Them To Hell!’ – Texas Sheriff’s Message To ISIS

Hey ISIS, don’t mess with Texas.

Midland County Sheriff Gary Painter brought his ten-gallon cowboy hat to an interview with the elitists at CNN, and he explained why he believes that ISIS operatives are already in the United States, and what he’s prepared to do about it.

This ‘good old boy’ is full of common sense and came across very well despite a bit of baiting by the CNN hosts. CNN may have thought they were going to have a bit of sport with some flyover country, redneck, rumor-mongering and scare-tactic peddling country bumpkin. But in short order he turned the tables and the short but riveting interview became a damning indictment of the pathetic security conditions on the Southern border with a bonus, surprise revelation that the government is currently warning Texas sheriffs about ISIS activity in border areas.

What a perfect interview on his part. He came across as informed, logical, and professional while outlining the various threats a porous and poorly guarded border presents to the nation. It turns out Sheriff Gary Painter is finishing up his seventh term in office, has been in law enforcement since 1970, distinguished himself on the battlefield while serving two tours in Vietnam as a Marine, and has been honored by the Texas legislature as a “highly respected Texas peace officer.”

I have no doubts that Sheriff Painter would act swiftly and competently against any black pajama wearing foreign fighters that may pop up in his area of operations. He’d be happy to make them a martyr for their Islamofascist cause. We need more like him in positions of authority who share the view that “If They Rear Their Ugly Heads, We’ll Send Them To Hell!”
