‘He Took A Hard Punch In The Face For All Of Us’: Trump Brings Conservative Attacked At Berkeley On Stage
‘He Took A Hard Punch In The Face For All Of Us’: Trump Brings Conservative Attacked At Berkeley On Stage

‘He Took A Hard Punch In The Face For All Of Us’: Trump Brings Conservative Attacked At Berkeley On Stage

During President Donald Trump’s speech at CPAC on Saturday, he took a moment to recognize the discrimination conservative students face on college campuses.

“I turn on my television the other day and I saw somebody that was violently punched in the face,” said Trump to his audience at CPAC. “The man’s name is Hayden Williams … Hayden come up here please.”

Williams jumped on stage to say a few words, but he refused to use his few seconds of fame to talk about himself.

“It’s great that I’m being recognized,” he said, “but there’s so many conservative students across the country who are facing discrimination, harassment and worse if they dare to speak up on campus.”

Williams is a field representative at the Leadership Institute, a non-profit organization out of Arlington, VA, which aims to help fight the liberal bias that has infested America’s campuses.

Williams was on UC Berkley’s campus Tuesday, Feb. 19 helping local student activists when, Zachary Greenberg, 28, assaulted him. Greenberg was arrested by UCPD Friday afternoon for his assault on Williams and is currently being held on a $30,000 bond at Glenn Dyer Jail in Oakland.

“It’s as important now than ever the work at leadership institute and campus reform exposing these liberal abuses to the public,” said Williams, “and these students do it because they have a love of our nation and freedom.”

Williams noted that if progressive socialists had their way, the constitution would be put through a paper shredder. “If you keep defending us, we’ll keep defending you,” Williams said of the President.

The audience roared in approval as President Trump announced a new executive order he will be signing, which requires colleges and university’s to support free speech.

“If they want our dollars, and we give it to them by the billions, they’ve got to allow people like Hayden, and many other great young people … to speak,” said Trump.