EU to Cut 75% of Food for the Poor Programs in 2012
EU to Cut 75% of Food for the Poor Programs in 2012

EU to Cut 75% of Food for the Poor Programs in 2012

In an odd twist of fate we see just what happens when European Big Government Socialism runs into reality as the EU announced that starting Jan 1, 2012 they will be cutting 75% of the funding that feeds 18 million of it’s poorest citizens. The Food for the Deprived program dates back to 1987 when it relied heavily on heavy food surpluses, which were the result of a bloated and inefficient subsidy regime. But over time, as the farming became more efficient, food was (GASP!) increasingly purchased on the market to keep the program going.

Once again we see that big government created a problem due to the over-reaching, Socialism-pushing politicians constant desire to encroach on the free market system, with drastic results. Farmers grow products and sell them to feed the people in the free market system. Along comes big government subsidies resulting in them dictating just how and where they will sell (or give away) their products, and poof! a viable system of providing poor people with extra farm products disappears! So, thanks to a bloated and inefficient big government farm subsidy program, some 18 million of the EU’s poorest citizens are facing a 75% cut to their food programs. And here in America the Liberal media thinks the “Occupy Wall Street park benches crowd” has it rough! Maybe if we have to tighten our belts, and cut, oh.. say 75% of the Occupiers food stamps next year they will really have something to protest? A word of advise: Quit biting the capitalistic hands that are feeding you, children Occupiers.

BBC mid Wales published an article, AM,s warn over European Union Farm Grants shakeup:

In that article we see that the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) reforms must not lead to less money for Wales. They have drawn up a report in an assembly advisory committee that they “recommend that the assembly government uses the influence of Welsh MEPs, and builds alliances with other European Union regions.” What is all-telling from within this report is this statement: ” Income from CAP’s single farm payment accounted for 90% of average farm income in Wales, so its importance could not be underestimated.” Now that Welsh farms have become 90% dependent on big government, when big government goes insolvent, people are destined to go hungry as the farms collapse. When the grants and subsidies run dry due to big government Socialism, everyone suffers, especially the poor. This is what we can expect to see in America if we do not get our government totally out of our free market system. Thus. along came the Tea party movement that rocked the elitist Liberals right out of the federal and State governments across American in 2010, and we can expect to see more of the same in the 2012 elections.The last thing we need is to copy these failed European Socialism experiments, such as the big government control/meddling in Europe’s farming system that will deny 18 million of the poorest people in the E/U countries food this winter.

In getting back to the EU announcement of the 75% cuts to the feed the poor programs, we see another example of what happens when big government goes wild and becomes unmanageable, in the fact that no less than 27 EU Farm Ministers will asses the next Thursday, where they will look at trying to keep the program going ( through legal challenges) at a cost of $690 million/yr in funding, instead of moving to $155 million. Either way, this all depends on one simple thing: Do they have the money to fully fund the program or not? Current reports point to the fact that during the current EU recession they do not in fact, have the money to fully find the food program, as it does not appear it will get a sufficient majority.

In summary, as a great world leader once stated: “The problem with Socialism, is that eventually you run out of other people’s money to spend.” This is painfully obvious in the EU today, and unless we stop Barack Obama’s current European Socialism experiment here in America by voting him out in 2012, we can expect to see the same here in the near future. 2012 just can’t get here fast enough!