Cyber Monday Outperforms Black Friday by 68 Percent
Cyber Monday Outperforms Black Friday by 68 Percent

Cyber Monday Outperforms Black Friday by 68 Percent

Holiday 2017 sales grew year-over-year (YOY) across the three-day period from Saturday to Cyber Monday, showing 23 percent revenue growth and 22 percent purchase growth. Cyber Monday itself outperformed Black Friday by 68 percent, and had year-over-year growth of 12 percent in both revenue and purchases. Mobile is a key driver of growth this holiday season, with mobile revenue up 37 percent, mobile purchases up 32 percent, and mobile average order value (AOV) up 4 percent over the three-day period.

Rakuten Marketing holiday figures are continued evidence of what is proving to be a healthy holiday retail period which is further supported by Cyber Weekend highlights defining consumer shopping behaviors during the most critical online shopping days of the year.

  • Revenue and purchases over the Saturday and Sunday of Cyber Weekend were both up 21 percent.
  • The Sunday of Cyber Weekend was the highest growing day of the season so far, with revenue up 45 percent YOY and purchases up 47 percent YOY.
  • Mobile revenue and purchases were up 31 percent and 28 percent, respectively, on Cyber Monday.
  • Peak revenue and purchase activity occurred between 5:00 pm ET and midnight on Cyber Monday, as people finished work and evening activities.

According to Rakuten Marketing CEO, Tony Zito, “The 2017 holiday shopping season shows record growth with consumers spreading their holiday dollars across an extended shopping period. Shoppers began their holiday shopping approximately two weeks in advance of Black Friday, and we’re seeing record growth continue into the traditional peak holiday shopping days of Black Friday through Cyber Monday. As we move into the rest of the 2017 holiday shopping season brands should focus on new shopper acquisition strategies that can lead to repeat and loyal customers, capitalize on immediate sales opportunities, and establish shopper lifetime value.”