AJ Styles Says His Current Contract Will Be His Last
AJ Styles Says His Current Contract Will Be His Last

AJ Styles Says His Current Contract Will Be His Last

AJ Styles spoke to Newsweek discussing his match with Seth Rollins, his recent re-signing with WWE and more. Highlights are below:
On his move to Raw being a fresh start: “The fact that I have never been on RAW since the brand split it’s definitely fresh, and different, for me. It’s something I look forward to when I got pushed to RAW. I needed that. Everyone did. They wanted to see what it would be like if AJ Styles was on RAW and now we got it. You got one great match under your belt now let’s see what comes next.”
On being a locker room leader: “There’s always people that will respect what I’ve done in the business and they would come to me for advice. They see me as one of the older guys that they can talk to and ask questions. And I take it upon myself to be encouraging because I know how the business can be. It’s not easy — and not easy to survive in — because there are so many ups and downs. To have someone there to talk you through it makes it easier. I had that someone in my career and I hope to be that kind of guy in their career.”
On how the Wild Card Rule works: “The way I understand it, it’s first come first serve. So if you’re first, then so be it. That’s the way it goes down. There’s always going to be a reason behind it. I’m not sure what that’ll be I don’t know if you can win a championship on RAW or SmackDown. Still don’t know all the rules, but we’ll find out. The best part is that you could see your favorite RAW or SmackDown superstar on either show that’s why you have to tune in to watch, that’s why it’s live.”
On if he was surprised to face Seth Rollins so soon: “I think everyone was a little surprised that it came so soon, but it may have been the right decision. At first I thought it was way too soon but, at the same time, now that it’s over it was the right decision.”
On the possibility of reteaming with the Good Brothers: “If it were up to me, we’d be together right now. Those two and myself, we have chemistry, man. It’s not something you can teach. And they can be very entertaining. Who knows? Maybe soon we’ll be back together again and put on some entertaining matches. But who knows when that’ll be. I would love to be back with those guys.”
On if WWE benefits from the competition that the rejuvenated indie scene provides: “As far as the indies and whatnot, I don’t think they should ever be competitive with the WWE. They should compete with themselves to make sure they get better everyday because there’s no competition, if you want me to be honest. WWE is globally huge. It’s unbelievable to know how big the WWE is. People don’t understand it. If you want to succeed, don’t compete. Be something different, be the alternative. There’s a lot of people that have a good chance, but competition is always a great thing. I hope any company does well so they can be that competition. Competition will always make a better product.”
On his new WWE contract: “I can tell you that this contract that I’ve signed is my last. This is the perfect place for me to be. It’s family-oriented, I have no problem taking my family to the shows. It’s a PG product, which Ienjoy. I’m in the best place I can be for my career.”Click Here: Atlanta United FC Jersey