Grammy Award Producer Virtually Guarantees Progressive ‘Cry-In’
Grammy Award Producer Virtually Guarantees Progressive ‘Cry-In’

Grammy Award Producer Virtually Guarantees Progressive ‘Cry-In’

Grammy Award show producer Ken Erlich has just about guaranteed that tonight’s event will be jam-packed with progressive socio-political statements.

Ehrlich has no reservations about political messages or anti-President Trump statements flying during CBS’ three and a half hour Grammycast. Artists expressing passionate opinions about real-life issues are the stuff of memorable moments, he said.

The Grammy’s have featured socio-political messages and on-stage rants regularly.

2015’s award show featured a mini-program against college domestic violence during which an activist gave a speech, President Obama told the crowd that college rape is “not okay,” and Katy Perry ended the segment by performing “By the Grace of God.”

The 2014 Grammy’s social-justice push centered upon eliminating homophobia and misogyny from rap lyrics.

Kanye West jumped on the stage during two different Grammy Award shows and launched into tirades because his favorite performer did not get the award he believed they deserved.

After Meryl Streep’s cry-in at the Golden Globes and Ashley Judd’s “Nasty Woman” rant last month, tonight’s Grammy’s are almost certain to be a three-and-a-half hour long progressive meltdown.

Of course, viewers could watch the mid-season premier of “The Walking Dead” instead…