Eric Bischoff Criticizes Bret Hart For Comments Made About Ric Flair In His Book
Eric Bischoff Criticizes Bret Hart For Comments Made About Ric Flair In His Book

Eric Bischoff Criticizes Bret Hart For Comments Made About Ric Flair In His Book

In the latest edition of his 83 Weeks podcast, Eric Bischoff criticized Bret Hart for comments The Hitman made about Ric Flair in his autobiography several years ago, in which he said he did the match “Flair’s way.” Here are highlights:
On comments made about Flair’s age in 1998: “A lot of writers were referencing Ric’s age and that he wasn’t the same old Ric Flair that he used to be. But he was still great, everybody loved Ric Flair. And at 49 years old… Chris Jericho, the darling of the internet, and deservingly so, how old is he, 48? Generally speaking, it is a younger man’s business, but Ric Flair in this match, there was nothing wrong.”
On what Bret said about Flair: “He (Bret) was such a bitter pr*ck when he wrote that book. There is nobody in this business that has ever worked with Ric Flair that wouldn’t tell you that Ric made them look better than they really are. From Hulk Hogan on down, talk to “Stone Cold” Steve Austin about that, talk to people who really have a clue and aren’t putting themselves over in the book because they think they are a g*ddamn Canadian hero.”Click Here: armagh gaa jerseys