Hacksaw Jim Duggan on His Cancer Scare Putting Things in Perspective
Hacksaw Jim Duggan on His Cancer Scare Putting Things in Perspective

Hacksaw Jim Duggan on His Cancer Scare Putting Things in Perspective

Photo credit: World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.

CBC News recently spoke to WWE Hall of Famer Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Below are some highlights.
Duggan on evolving into Hacksaw: “Then I wore a mask and I wrestled as a convict and that didn’t work. And then I tried a fur and I was ‘Wild Man Duggan’ and that didn’t work. So I finally evolved into ‘Hacksaw.’”
Duggan on the difficulties of his generation: “We have a high drug and alcoholism rate, a high divorce rate and a high death rate. It’s a tough racket.”
Duggan on how his wrestling generation was like a rock ‘n’ roll band: “Our generation of guys, we were more like a rock ‘n’ roll band.There’s women, there’s drugs, there’s booze. A lot of guys get caught up in that lifestyle.”
Hacksaw Jim Duggan on finding out he had kidney cancer in 1998: “I had two young girls, I was devastated. I spent the time before my surgery in their room crying and praying. I just wanted to survive the ordeal. I didn’t care about wrestling. A health issue puts everything else in perspective.”Click Here: soccer jersey sale